Confidential STD Testing: How to Get It

If you're worried about insurance or have other reasons why you don't want to go to your family doctor or pediatrician, you can get tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) at a health clinic like Planned Parenthood. It's confidential and you can also get information about birth control methods and condoms. Confidential (private) counseling and testing for STDs are provided by trained staff who are sensitive to your needs and concerns. For instance, if you live in the state of Washington or Minnesota, Planned Parenthood can send you an STD kit to test for chlamydia and gonorrhea. This STD panel tests for 7 viral diseases, such as HIV type 1 & 2, herpes type 1 & 2 and hepatitis A, B and C.If you're looking for a confidential way to get tested for STDs, there are several options available.

You can visit a health clinic like Planned Parenthood or a local health department. These clinics provide confidential testing and counseling services. You can also find online services that offer confidential STD testing. These services allow you to order a test kit online and have it shipped directly to your home.

Once you receive the kit, you can collect the sample and mail it back to the lab for testing. When it comes to getting tested for STDs, it's important to remember that it's always best to be honest with your healthcare provider. They can provide the best advice on how to protect yourself from STDs and how to get tested if necessary. It's also important to remember that getting tested is the only way to know for sure if you have an STD. No matter which option you choose, it's important to remember that getting tested for STDs is an important part of staying healthy. If you're concerned about insurance or have other reasons why you don't want to go to your family doctor or pediatrician, there are several options available for confidential STD testing.

Elsie Cerroni
Elsie Cerroni

Subtly charming bacon buff. Web practitioner. Freelance social media specialist. Incurable analyst. Friendly music aficionado. Professional twitter evangelist.